Our reviews

(81 Reviews)
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November 30, 2023
Good food.

November 30, 2023
Good food.

November 01, 2023
Great pizza

October 07, 2023
They delivered to me at 1:30am, so already 5 stars there. The pizza was amazing and hot and fresh. Loved it

September 28, 2023
Great pizza and awesome service. Our order was super fast and the owner was really nice. Highly recommend.

September 16, 2023
Enjoyed the pizza as usual

August 09, 2023
Had a bizarre experience ordering. Did an online prepaid order for 2 Lasagna dishes at 7:39. Received an email confirmation. Got a phone call from a woman 15 minutes later saying the Lasagna would be “a while” and did I want spaghetti instead. I asked what “a while” meant and was told 30-35 minutes. I said I would wait for the lasagna. I arrived at the shop at 8:30 and was told by a gentleman behind the counter (the only employee in the shop as far as I could see) that they had no record of my order. I showed him my email confirmation and told him about the phone call. He insisted he had no record of my order. He then said he could whip up the pastas in about 10 minutes while I waited. Obviously my order was received as I got a phone call about it. Not sure where the communication breakdown is but overall not impressed with their organizational system. Food was decent but nothing special and not worth an hours wait for something the cook can whip up in 10 minutes.

June 19, 2023
We ordered meat lovers pizzas and I added a few extra toppings (olives and mushrooms).that were not added. Also the pizza could of cooked a bit longer. It was a bit doughy.

May 29, 2023
Pretty tasty pizza but they forgot my cheese stuffed crust.

May 27, 2023
The pizza was very delicious and the staff were very friendly and helpful.